Discover the Lost Wisdom & Teachings
of the Essenes
Over 8 Weeks (8 Live Video Transmissions),
We will Explore this Ancient Mystical Community
through storytelling and Spiritual Insights
- Along with Gnostic Aramaic Lessons
The Course has started but you can still Join Anytime!

Join us for an Illuminating Online Pilgrimage
as we Remember This Lost Christed Community...
Step into the timeless world of the Essenes, an Ancient Mystical community whose teachings and practices have long captivated spiritual seekers.
Known as the Sons and Daughters of Light, the Essenes lived in harmony with Divine Principles… Embracing Purity, Sacred Union, Spiritual Devotion, and Awakening the Christ within. Their Sacred Way of life offers us insights into an Ancient Lineage of Mastery.
A group who supported one another to Embody the Highest Principles of Wisdom and Light…
During this course you will be immersed in the Stories, Rituals, and Profound Truths of the Essenes. I will be blending Historical Narratives with Mystical Insights… Along with Aramaic Language Lessons & Translations… you will come to know the Essenes like never before!
Together, we will explore the esoteric teachings of this Gnostic lineage, unveiling how their Ancient Practices invite us to awaken the Divine Within Ourselves...
- Have you felt drawn to the Essenes and want to learn more?
- Does the Language of Aramaic speak to your soul?
- Do you long for a community that supports the Christed Light?
Then Come Join us! and Reconnect with the Radiant Wisdom of the Essenes.
A Light and Memory still alive within us all.

The Course will unfold over 8 Weeks....
And will have a total of 8 Live Video Transmissions....
all videos are recorded and posted after!
Topics we will be Exploring during the Course...

Introduction into the Essene Community
We begin our Journey with an introduction to the sacred world of the Essenes, a mystical community devoted to purity, divine wisdom, and spiritual alignment. Learn how this ancient group preserved hidden teachings, practiced sacred rituals, and prepared the way for Christ Consciousness.
The Mysteries of Light Conception
(Immaculate Conception)
Explore the profound and mystical teachings of "Light Conception", where a man and woman align their hearts, minds, and spirits to conceive a soul bathed in divine light. Dive into the Essene practices of purification, prayer, and sacred union that elevate conception into a holy act. Awaken to the possibilities of bringing Christed consciousness into the world through divine intention and alignment.
The 3 Baptisms
(Water, Fire, Spirit to Receive the Divine)
Experience the transformative power of baptism as the Essenes practiced it. A sacred, three-part ritual to cleanse, align, and receive divine grace. Modern Day Baptisms typically only use water, but in the Essene and Gnostic communities, a true baptism occurs only when all three mediums are used: water, fire, and spirit. Journey through the symbolic elements of water, fire, and spirit to awaken your connection with God. This initiation invites you to step into your highest self, purified and filled with the Light of the Divine.
The Feminine Path
(Women in the Essenes)
Honor the sacred role of women in the Essene community, where they were revered as healers, visionaries, and bearers of divine wisdom. Explore the feminine path through teachings of the Descent of Sophia, Connection to Gaia, and the Womb. Discover how the Essenes celebrated and exalted the feminine in their quest for divine harmony.
The Masculine Path
(Men in the Essenese)
Discover the Essene journey of the masculine, rooted in strength, integrity, and spiritual guardianship. Learn how Essene men embodied divine principles through discipline, service, rites of passage, and communion with higher realms. Uncover the masculine path to the Logos (Word) of the Christ
Immortality of Wisdom
(Guarding Ancient Knowledge)
Unlock the timeless secrets of the Essenes, who served as guardians of divine wisdom passed down through generations. Explore how they preserved sacred teachings, hidden texts, and esoteric practices that remain as relevant today as they were millennia ago. Journey into the heart of their legacy, where the immortality of wisdom continues to illuminate the path for spiritual seekers.
Aramaic Video Lessons
(2 Videos)

3 Essene Pillars
(Video 1)
Unlocking the 3 Aramaic Pillars of the Essenes. In this first video we will explore each "Pillar" in the Original Aramaic. Going through the linguistic roots and mystical translations. Teaching you how to speak and chant each word...
"Light" - ܢܘܗܪܐ (Nuhra)
"Breath" - ܪܘܚܐ (Rookha)
"Satan" - ܣܛܢܐ (Satana)
Keys to the Kingdom
(Video 2)
Unlocking Deeper Wisdom and Teachings of Jesus & The Bible. In this second video I will decode and open each word in the Original Aramaic. Going through the linguistic roots and mystical translations. Teaching you how to speak and chant each word... Teaching you how to speak and tone each word...
"Kingdom of Heaven" - ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܕܫܡܝܐ (Malkutha d’Shmaya)
"God" - ܐܠܗܐ (Alaha)
"Faith" - ܗܝܡܢܘܬܐ (Haymanutha)

Course Format:
Once you Enroll in the Course, You will Gain Access to:
The Essenes - Children of Light Facebook Group
In the Facebook group you will find all of the Live video content and an interactive community of people who are journeying through the
course with you.
Live Course Video Transmissions (8 videos)
All of the Live videos from the course will be recorded and made accessible to you. Video content can be watched in your own timing and pace. The videos can be found in the Facebook group as well as a private course content page.
**All videos are also available on a Separate Course Content Webpage
for anyone not on Facebook**
8 Live Videos
6x Storytelling & History Videos
2x Aramaic Video
The Live Video Broadcast Schedule will be every Monday at 8pm (UK Time)
Video 1- Jan 13th, (8pm UK)
Video 2- Jan 20th, (8pm UK)
Video 3- Jan 27th, (8pm UK)
Video 4- Feb 3rd, (8pm UK)
Video 5- Feb 10th, (8pm UK)
Video 6- Feb 17th, (8pm UK)
Video 7- Feb 24th, (8pm UK)
Video 8- Mar 3rd, (8pm UK)
Course Has Started
but you can still Join Anytime!
Course Price
*Payment Plans Available*
The Essenes - Children of Light
Meet Oliver

Oliver W Huntley
Oliver is a Wisdom Keeper, Writer, Storyteller, Teacher and Sacred Site Guide. Currently deepening his connection to the Land and Mysteries of Ancient Wales whilst writing his first book. He is on a soul mission to bring back lost Mystery School Wisdom and Initiations from the Druids, Gnostics and a lost Celtic Christianity.
Oliver is also a scholar specializing in the life and story of ‘Joseph of Arimathea’; who was an Uncle, mentor to Yeshua, guardian and protector to Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. He is a passionate teacher for the ancient language of Aramaic spoken by Yeshua and the Essenes.
Oliver has over ten years of experience in holding land based retreats all over the world, specializing in the unification of the Gnostic and Druidic Mysteries of Avalon (Glastonbury) and Cymru (Wales). He has the rare ability to take you on an adventure uniting the worlds of Spiritual Initiation, Historical Knowledge and the Wisdom of Nature. Guiding individuals and groups through sacred journeys. Oliver weaves together sacred stories, ceremonies and teachings long forgotten from the Gnostics and Druids. Helping you remember and reconnect to the ancestral magic of the land and the stories of its holy history.
Terms & Conditions -
*Once you Pay and Enroll in the Course, The content will Always available for you to rewatch
*Videos and Content are not allowed to be Reshared Anywhere outside of the Course without permission
*Course content is Copyright Protected & Belongs to Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
*No Refunds will be given after the Course Begins
*Payment plans must be completed once started and cannot be canceled once the course begins