The Celtic Magdalene
Vol II
Come Join our next Online Journey Into
the Celtic Magdalene - Volume II
* Participation in Volume I Not Required to Join
Through 8 Video Transmissions..
We Continue Exploring More Stories and Mystical Legacy of The Magdalene in Ancient Britain
- Along with Guest Teacher & Gnostic Aramaic Lessons

Join us for another Illuminating Online Pilgrimage
as we Dive Deeper into The Celtic Magdalene Traditions...
In our first journey during The Celtic Magdalene Volume I, we uncovered the forgotten legacy of Mary Magdalene—one of the most influential, yet still mysterious figures of Christianity.
Together, we journeyed beyond the familiar histories and traditions of Mary Magdalene.. tracing Magdalene’s steps into the ancient British Isles after the Crucifixion—
We connected her story to the Druidic Spirit of the land, discovering her influence in the Sophianic Wisdom Traditions that birthed the first Female Saints of Christianity. We learned how Magdalene's lineage was deeply woven into the very foundations of one of the oldest Churches—The Celtic Church. And how her teachings were Preserved and Continued
through Celtic Christianity.
But Magdalene’s story in Ancient Britain, Her Wisdom & Teachings & Traditions,
are Far from Complete…
Here In Volume II of the Celtic Magdalene, we delve even deeper into the Mystical and Spiritual Lineage of the “Magdalene”, Exploring more ways and places where the “Magdalene” became a part of the Druidic and Celtic Christian Traditions with new depth and clarity…
Coming to know:
How the "Magdalene", Druidic Priestess Path, & Celtic Christian Saints Merge…
How these traditions blended and influenced one another through the Centuries…
How we can Draw upon Gnostic & Celtic Earth-Based Wisdom to better understand the
Sacred Teachings of these Ancient Emerald Lands.
Have you Connected to the “Magdalene” of these lands?...
Have you felt her in the Earth?... In the Whispers of the Trees?... In the Waters of Sacred Wells?...
The Magdalene Who walks as a Keeper of Prophecy, a Priestess of the Waters,
a Guardian of the Grail, and a Steward of the Earth’s Deep Magic...
Have you felt this Ancient and Forgotten Lineage that was here before
the “Church” ever arrived?...
Then this Course is for You!
Come join us, as we continue our next journey into the Sacred Lineage of
The Celtic Magdalene Volume II​​

The Course will unfold over 8 Weeks....
And will have a total of 8 Live Video Transmissions....
all videos are recorded and posted after!
Topics we will be Exploring during the Course...

The Magdalene’s Veil:
The Role of the Feminine Seeress in Celtic Tradition
Discover the mystical connection between Mary Magdalene and the Ancient Celtic Priestesses & Druid Oracles... who carried the divine gift of prophecy and spiritual leadership. In this section, we explore how Magdalene’s role as a spiritual visionary mirrors the Celtic Seeresses and Oracles, guiding their communities with sacred wisdom. Unveil the parallels between Magdalene and the powerful Druidic High Priestesses, whose insight shaped both the Spiritual and Earthly Realms. Step into the rich legacy of feminine prophecy and its profound influence on
Celtic Christianity.
Magdalene of the Waters:
Priestess Lineage of the Wells & Sacred Springs
Immerse yourself in the Sacred Waters of Magdalene’s lineage... where the Ancient Well Priestesses Guarded the healing springs and sources of divine wisdom. In this section, we explore the powerful connection between Magdalene and the Celtic Water Priestesses, whose rituals at sacred wells brought purification, transformation, and connection to the Earth. Embark on a journey to reclaim the sacred power of water, flowing through the ancient traditions of both Magdalene and the Celtic priestesses.​
the Deep Roots of Magdalene:
Land Stewardship and Earth Energies
Step into the ancient role of Magdalene as a Guardian of the Earth, where Priestesses tended to sacred sites and worked with the energies of Earth. In this section, explore how Magdalene’s connection to the land mirrors the Druid Priestesses’ deep relationship with nature, as they healed both people and the earth through nature medicine and sacred rituals. Discover the powerful role of geomancy in these sacred practices, and how the earth’s energies were channeled for spiritual balance and renewal. ​
The Magdalene Chalice:
Exploring the Role of "Grail" Keeper​
Uncover the true meaning of the "Grail" —not just as a sacred object, but as a symbol of divine wisdom, healing, and spiritual transformation. In this section, we explore the qualities of a Grail Keeper, those chosen to protect and embody the sacred mysteries, from ancient Celtic priestesses to modern-day spiritual guardians. Learn about the legendary Grail Keepers of the Celtic lands, who safeguarded the Grail’s wisdom through sacred rituals and connection to the land. Finally, discover how you, too, can step into the role of a Grail Keeper, carrying its sacred power into the world today.​
The Magdalene Grove:
Meeting the Trees of Celtic Feminine Wisdom
Step into the Sacred Grove of Feminine Wisdom, where the ancient trees of the Celtic tradition hold deep spiritual meaning and guidance. In this section, we explore the mystical power of trees like the Beech, Yew, and Rowan.... each symbolizing aspects of the divine feminine—protection, transformation, and intuitive wisdom. Discover how these trees were revered by Celtic priestesses, as gateways to higher knowledge and spiritual connection. Journey with us into the heart of the Magdalene Grove, where nature and feminine wisdom intertwine in profound harmony.​
The Logos and Sophia of the Emerald Path
(Video Transmission with Oliver & Alize)
Explore the mystical union of the Logos (Divine Word) and Sophia (Divine Wisdom) through the lens of Celtic spirituality, where love and spiritual connection are woven into the fabric of sacred tradition. In this section, we delve into Druid and Celtic Christian stories & legendary figures, whose unions of divine love shaped history and offered profound spiritual teachings.... Discover how the union of the Logos and Sophia has always and continues to inspire us on our path of
spiritual harmony and connection.​
Aramaic Video Lesson

​Keys to the Kingdom
(1 Video)
Continuing on from our last Celtic Magdalene Aramaic Videos..
We will dive into new Words & Aramaic Keys, receiving Gnostic and Essene Wisdom around the Teachings of Jesus & Mary Magdalene. In the video I will share more about each word in the Original Aramaic. Teaching you how to speak and tone each word...
We will be exploring the Aramaic Words and Phrases for:
Sophia / Wisdom
Logos / The Word
Earth Magic
Also Included in this Course as a Bonus Recorded Aramaic Video:
The Aramaic Name of "mary Magdalene"
(1 Video)
"Maryum Magdalitha"
Was Mary Magdalene her name?... Or perhaps was it a Title?
Qualities she possessed?.. Deeper aspects she embodied?..
When we open and decode her name in Aramaic, we are brought into a new level of knowing through new Dimensions / Perspectives.

Guest Teacher - Alize Lily
Guest Video Topic: The Way of Love & The Sacred Heart - Exploring the Path of the Rose in Relationship to Christ Consciousness and the Celitc Isles

About Alize - Alize Lily is a priestess, ceremonialist and guide for Sacred Union. She is the founder of the Celtic Rose Mystery School where she helps students from all over the world establish a connection to the Sacred Feminine, Priestess Path and Western Mysteries. With a complete devotion to walking ‘The Way Of Love’ through the teachings of the Celtic Rose Lineage and embodiment of the Sacred Heart. She is renowned for her mystical space holding, relatable authenticity, intuitive spontaneity and ability to help guide you to Union with the Divine.

Course Format:
Once you Enroll in the Course, You will Gain Access to:
The Celtic Magdalene Vol II Facebook Group
In the Facebook group you will find all of the Live video content and an interactive community of people who are journeying through the
course with you.
Video Transmissions (8 videos)
All of the Live videos from the course were recorded and made accessible to you. Video content can be watched in your own timing and pace. The videos can be found in the Facebook group as well as a private course content page.
**All videos are also available on a Separate Course Content Webpage for anyone not on Facebook**
8 Videos
6x Storytelling & History Videos
1x Aramaic Video
1x Guest Teacher Transmission
Course Price
* Participation in Volume I Not Required to Join - Vol I is a great way to
begin the journey, and Vol II brings New Stories and Transmissions
Celtic Magdalene Volume II
Celtic Magdalene Volume I + II Package - (50% OFF Volume I)
Meet Oliver

Oliver W Huntley
Oliver is a Wisdom Keeper, Writer, Storyteller, Teacher and Sacred Site Guide. Currently deepening his connection to the Land and Mysteries of Ancient Wales whilst writing his first book. He is on a soul mission to bring back lost Mystery School Wisdom and Initiations from the Druids, Gnostics and a lost Celtic Christianity.
Oliver is also a scholar specializing in the life and story of ‘Joseph of Arimathea’; who was an Uncle, mentor to Yeshua, guardian and protector to Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. He is a passionate teacher for the ancient language of Aramaic spoken by Yeshua and the Essenes.
Oliver has over ten years of experience in holding land based retreats all over the world, specializing in the unification of the Gnostic and Druidic Mysteries of Avalon (Glastonbury) and Cymru (Wales). He has the rare ability to take you on an adventure uniting the worlds of Spiritual Initiation, Historical Knowledge and the Wisdom of Nature. Guiding individuals and groups through sacred journeys. Oliver weaves together sacred stories, ceremonies and teachings long forgotten from the Gnostics and Druids. Helping you remember and reconnect to the ancestral magic of the land and the stories of its holy history.
Terms & Conditions -
*Once you Pay and Enroll in the Course, The content will Always available for you to rewatch
*Videos and Content are not allowed to be Reshared Anywhere outside of the Course without permission
*Course content is Copyright Protected & Belongs to Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
*No Refunds will be given after the Course Begins